I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what my clients, and their businesses, deserve when they sign on to work with me …

They deserve absolute presence, reverence, attention and respect.

It’s common for self-employed babes to fill their calendars to the brim and be in constant ‘go mode’ (because hey, we don’t get paid to sit around and drink tea - unfortunately!) However, one thing I’ve noticed is that this is sometimes to the detriment of their clients. Sure, they may still tick all the boxes and get the job done, but for me, this isn’t enough

I can energetically feel the difference in someone’s work when it’s created from a place of love and calm, rather than overwhelm and exhaustion.

Have you felt it too? Maybe when creating work for your clients, or receiving work back from someone you’ve invested in?

This is why I will only invest in people who, like me, value gentle business and treat life and work like a ceremony. 

Because I deserve it, and because my business deserves it. Anyone who harps on about hustling or staying up til all hours of the night working, just isn’t the person to support me in my biz.

I deserve, and my clients deserve, to have someone show up to their work in full health, feeling vibrant and creative. And if I have to pay a premium price for that, then I will.

I’ll take heart over hustle any day of the week. 

As well as this, working in our businesses when we feel full to the brim with energy and at our peak makes it ENJOYABLE! And enjoyment = a sustainable business! Why anyone would choose stress/overwhelm/exhaustion over joy, I have no idea.

If you’re committed to showing up in your business at your energetic best, then I invite you to ponder these questions:

  • How does it currently feel to work in your biz?

  • What is weighing you down?

  • How could you make things feel more light/enjoyable/spacious?

  • How can you honour your client’s businesses and show up more wholeheartedly for them?

If your heart is feeling called to run your business in a way that feels more pleasurable, and in the process honours your client’s businesses more, then I invite you to sign up to my free workshop Pleasurable AF. You can find out more here.

Che Johnson