Love what you do, but not how you do it? Here's 5 ways to make running your business feel lush and aligned

How to have more fun in your business

A lot of biz women I connect with love what they do, but don’t love how they’re doing it.

They feel more stressed out than blissed out and their reason for getting into biz in the first place (which, for most of them was to have more freedom) is nowhere to be seen.

Here’s some things my gals tell me they’re doing that are burning them the *F* out:

Working overtime. All the time.

Responding to messages and emails as if they’re running a crisis centre.

Agreeing to tighter-than-tight deadlines because they don’t want to disappoint anyone/lose a client/get a bad rep.

Saying yes to projects that didn’t light them up.

Adhering to the standard 40 hour week, because that’s what we’ve told creates success, right?! (wrong).

Undercharging and discounting.

Not having offerings in place that allow them to scale, and work less but earn M-O-R-E!

Following stock standard frameworks that feel shitty and don’t resonate.

The list goes on and on. Can you relate? 

The good news is this - ALL OF THESE THINGS CAN CHANGE BABY!

And no, you don’t need a career change - you just need to shuffle how you’re doing things!

If you are:

  • Feeling energetical ‘off’

  • Feeling disconnected from and lacking love for your biz

  • Finding it really freakin’ hard to switch off at the end of the day

  • Feeling drained (x 1000) come Friday

  • Working on weekends, when you’d rather be hanging out with your loves

  • Feeling kinda ‘over it’

… then lemme help a sister out.

Here’s 5 quick ways to make working in your biz enjoyable and aligned again …

  1. Check-in with your values

    What’s important to you?

    What values underpin your beautiful biz?

    Where are they in and out of alignment?

    If you value creativity but are barely finding time to be creative, then ask yourself how you can bring more of this into your day. If you value time with your family but are finding yourself distracted at the dinner table thinking about your to-do list, then ask yourself how you can create distance between your work and personal life.

    Explore ways to bring your values back into your business (and drop anything that doesn’t align with them). It sounds bold, but you’re in the driver’s seat honey!


    Write a list of things you’re doing on the daily and then give each task a ‘happiness rating’ out of 10 (10 = I love this and could do it all day, 1 = I loathe the heck out of this).

    Scan what activities are lurking on the lower end of the ‘happiness’ spectrum, and see if you can outsource them, or get rid of them altogether! You’d be surprised at how many unnecessary ‘extras’ we do in our biz, that don’t need to be done (hello: discovery calls that run over time, constant back and forward between clients and meetings for everything!)


    If you’ve found yourself in this space I know that you’re not someone who has a biz just to make money. You want to serve and you want to create ripples of change in people’s lives. Right?!

    It’s easy to get bogged down by all the day-to-day to-do’s and become disconnected from your mission when you’re werkin’ and doing all the things. I get it … BUT biz feels a whole lot more juicy and fulfilling when you’re tapped into your bigger picture. This macro focus also supports you to let go of all the things that are getting in your way and wasting your time and energy.

    What’s your big vision and mission for your biz?

    What do you need to let go of to get there?

  4. Connect with your womb and heart space

    So many of us are running around like headless chooks in our masculine. The sooner you can get out of your head and listen to what your womb/heart/intuition is guiding you to do - the better (the downloads you receive may not make much sense, but just trust it!)

    Make time to meditate or pick up your journal if you need a helping hand getting still. It’s not wasting time (the illusion that ‘doing’ is the only way to be productive needs to go yo!) In fact, the more space you create, the more guidance that will come through and the less time you’ll waste in your biz following head-led leads that don’t light you up and take you to dead ends.

    Your intuition knows whatsup - give her some air time!


    We often do things a certain way in our biz because that’s just what we do. But I encourage you to press pause and ask yourself … How can I work smarter?

    Do you need to get off the 1:1 income limiting hamster wheel?

    Do you need to automate more?

    Do you need to get help on board so you can shine in your zone of genius?

    Do you need to start saying ‘no’ to energy draining jobs that don’t light you up?

    Do you need to recruit a cleaner or order meal kits so you have more free time at home with your loves?

    Get creative honey! The only limit is your imagination when it comes to creating a business you love!

Business can feel pleasurable. The old school tales they tell us that success must feel hard and arduous are LIES!

You are the Queen at the helm of your business and you get to decide what stays and what goes. It’s time to say ‘adios’ to anything that doesn't light you up, and a big ‘hello and thank you for being here’ to anything that does! You hold the power.

Che. X

Che Johnson