Let’s be real -  it’s easy for our personal practices to fall by the wayside when we’re in a period of growth in our biz …

When a creation is being birthed

When a launch is underway

When we’re run off our feet serving clients

When we’re up-levelling our offerings, packaging and pricing

When we’re calling in something new for ourselves.

It’s common to (overly) harness our masculine energy during these expansive times, and go into focus, action and achieve mode. 

And there’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, for some of us, this energy is essential to getting sh!t done and actually doing-the-thing.

BUT ...

If you’re a human who’s found yourself in this space, I know you’re someone who deeply values the practices and rituals that connect you to your Self and to Source, and that ground you and bring you home to your body EVEN WHEN your biz feels full, and is needing attention and TLC from you.

If you’re anything like me though, this sweet fusion of the masculine and the feminine, during times of busyness/stress/up-levelling, can feel challenging, and sometimes even unrealistic.

When our calendars are full, it can be hard to see the value that stillness gifts us.

When our minds are busy, it can be difficult to see the rewards that slowing down reaps us.

When we’re holding so much in our heads, it can feel impossible to see how getting into our bodies can support us.

When we feel fearful about how our new offering will be received, we can feel resistant to relax into surrender and trust.

But it’s absolutely essential that we remain dedicated to fusing the doing with the being - not just for our wellbeing, but so we can step into the next evolution of our business with our heart in the driver’s seat. 

It’s easy to lead with the head when biz is busy. And while this can feel great, because we’re being productive and ticking boxes, our actions aren’t always aligned with what is truly right for us, the humans we serve, and the future of our business.

Even for those of us dedicated to running our businesses in a more feminine way, the call of the heavily ingrained and masculine focussed social norms, can call to us powerfully …

Many biz babes I know still struggle to celebrate themselves when their ‘outputs’ are limited.

To value rest and recalibration as much as taking action.

And to trust (truly trust) the wisdom of their hearts as much as their logical minds.

The truth of the matter is that it’s normal for our personal practices to morph and change when we’re going through a period of expansion in our business. 

It’s normal that we might feel more distracted, be more action oriented, or for our practices and rituals to be less frequent or have less depth.

Naturally, we have less time and energy, so something has to shift.

BUT - let these words be an invitation for you to remember the true VALUE of your personal practices and how they can support the evolution of your business - ESPECIALLY when you are run off your feet, spending more time in your head and in go-mode.

Your personal practices and rituals are in fact the antidote for your stress, the elixir for your busy mind, and the balm for your heightened central nervous system.

If you’re going through a period of big-ness in your biz at the moment, here’s some prompts to ponder:

  • What practices/rituals feel the most accessible and ‘easy’ for me to do when I’m busy?

  • When thinking about these practices, what would make me feel proud to devote myself to each day, even when my days feel full? (Be realistic about your time and energy, honey).

  • How can I support myself to stay dedicated to this practice/these practices?

  • How can I be kind to myself if my dedication wavers? How will I help myself get back on the devotion bandwagon and recommit to my Self? 

Staying dedicated to our personal practices are a beautiful way of waving your middle finger to the patriarchy and to the outdated biz norms that cause you harm. They are a deep bow of reverence to the new way, and to the wisdom of your heart and soul. Yes, choosing this path can feel challenging at times, but it’s these choices will serve and support you to get to where you deeply want to be in your biz.

Che. X

Che Johnson