Che Johnson soulful web copy

The days of sleazy marketing are thankfully gone (well, they’re on a rapid decline anyway - haha). More and more, wonderful women (like you!) are wanting to infuse more heart and soul into their copy. Thankfully, it’s what their dream clients are yearning for and seeking out too!

The thing I get asked by a lot of biz babes though is this … “Yes Che, cool. BUT HOW?”

I get it. It’s all good and well to want to write website copy that makes your readers’ hearts skip a beat and scream ‘HELL YEAH SIGN ME UP!’, but the doing of it is a whole other ball game.

But never fear because that’s why I’m here and writing heart and soul drenched copy just so happens to be one of my favoritest things to do!

Firstly, a little FYI ... 

I’ve created a bangin’ free resource for you called ‘WRITE SOULFUL COPY, SIMPLY: Copy tips to make your website stand out and touch hearts’.

In it, I dive into 20 odd pages of full-to-the-brim, tangible tips and tricks for bringing your very own soulful website copy to life INCLUDING a breakdown of the three most important pages on your website - your Home, About and Work With Me pages!

Anyway, I digress. Here’s three ways you can begin to birth your very own heart and soul infused, totally non sleazy, website copy!

One - Focus less on what’s wrong in your dream client’s life, and more on their hopes, dreams and yummy future visions.

The outdated marketers out there will have you believe that making your readers feel awful about their lives is the way to spur them into action and convert them into paying customers. Seriously, gross.

That old chestnut has been well overdone and people are sick of it!

People want to be inspired.

They want to feel understood.

They want someone to acknowledge and celebrate their biggest and juiciest visions for their future.

THIS is what strikes people in the heart and converts people into paying customers! And let me tell you, it’s a much yummier space to tune in to and create from!

Heart task

Shut down your eyes and consider - what does your dream client deeply and madly want for herself? What does she go to bed dreaming about? What would her wildest future look and feel like?

Two - Focus less on convincing and selling, and more on connection and being of service.

Some people are under the impression that in order to convert, they need to convince people to make a purchase.

But let’s be real - do you like being sold to? Do you like listening to someone trying to convince you to buy something? Probably not. 

I know for myself that when I invest in myself/my business, it’s not because I’ve been convinced to do it. I invest because I’ve been deeply touched by the person on the other end of my screen. I am drawn to them. I have faith in them. I want to be supported by them.

People don’t want to be supported by robots, and they don’t want to be just another number.

They want heart. They want to feel taken care of. They want to feel honoured. 

Heart task

How can you best be of service to the women you deeply want to work with? What do they need from you? 

Three - Ditch the buzzwords and instead invite in more depth, vulnerability and authenticity.

While many services are similar, the humans offering them are beautifully different and unique. 

These days, more and more people are making decisions about what services to invest in, based on the person providing that service.

Because of this, the need for biz babes to ditch the buzzwords and tell their readers what they think they want to hear, has been replaced by the need to bare their souls and show up as their true selves.

Does this mean you need to disclose everything about yourself? No, please don’t (it’s inappropriate). 

What you do need to do though is take off your mask, be relatable and simply, be YOU. 

YOU are what will convert people into paying clients - not fancy buzzwords.

Heart task

What makes you uniquely you? How can you be your most true self in your business? What masks do you need to take off and put to bed?

Now remember beautiful, you don’t have to navigate your website copy journey alone! If you’re a babe who wants to craft website copy that is full of soul AND converts, then my free resource, ‘WRITE SOULFUL COPY, SIMPLY: copy tips to make your website stand out and touch hearts’, is for you.

Che. X