How To Grow Your Business … SOULFULLY!

As business owners, we’re drawn to the idea of growth.

For some, growth means building a big team or turning over a million bucks (which is fine, if that’s your thang).

For others (myself included) growth means learning to work smarter (not harder), running my biz in a way that feels great and invites in balance … all the while basking in financial abundance.

It’s easy to get caught up in the collective definition of growth that tells us to hustle, push, stay up until all hours of the night, stick to rigid frameworks and do-do-do. But, for me, working in that way is unsustainable and adds no value or joy to my life.

I’d much rather work, and grow my biz, in a way that is infused with heart and soul.

Because going against the collective grain can be hard, I was to share some tips and tricks that will support you to stay well and sane, and grow your business soulfully.


Let’s be real, the internet is noisy and it can be really hard to figure out your truth when everyone else’s truths are being thrown in your face on the reg.

Although this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea (because it’s a bit out there!), in a commitment to staying in my own lane, I unfollowed everyone on social media earlier this year. YUP! It’s been an absolute BLESSING and no (because I know you’re wondering) it hasn’t impacted my earnings AT ALL (in fact, they’ve INCREASED!)

Stay in your own lane and stop comparing yourself to others. When you do this you’ll know what your right next step forward is in your biz!

Take your time

This life is long and hopefully your biz will be around for years to come. There’s no hurry for you to get from A to B and the only one putting pressure on your to do that … is you! (Hard to hear, but empowering if you let it be!) Take little steps, it’s not a race honey!

Tap into your intuition

I know, that you know, that your intuition knows what’s up (HA! That’s a lot of knowing!)

Listen to her! She’s a heck of a lot smarter than your logical mind, my friend! Slow down, calm your mind and go inwards. The answers are there, I promise!

Do the inner work

This is as important as any biz action item!

Your business doesn’t exist if you’re not well - physically, emotionally and spiritually - and so caring for yourself needs to come before your work on your biz.

Book in an afternoon/day/week off. Take yourself off on a retreat. Do a personal development course. Connect with your meditation practice. Get your booty on your mat.

Do whatever you need to do to go within, come back home to yourself and be well. Your biz will thank you for it!

Outsource support

It feels so draining doing tasks in our biz that don’t light us up (hello: design! Haha) Outsource what you can so you can stay in a state of flow and joy. Your business will grow EXPONENTIALLY because of it!

And last but not least ….


You are in the driver’s seat of your biz and you get to decide what goes down. Take a step back, remember why you started in the first place and connect back to the love of it! Remember the days when you used to work for someone else? Yep, enough said!

Che Johnson