Fallen out of love with your biz? Or feel like it doesn’t quite ‘fit’ you anymore? Read this!

Starting your own business has a certain romance about it. You daydream about being your own boss, being able to take holidays willy-nilly, and working on the beach (which I’ve tried and doesn’t work because #glare! - haha).

When you take the leap and start your own biz though, you come to realise pretty-damn-quickly that it’s a LOT of work. Your energy, clarity and passion ebb and flow, and it’s harder than you ever expected to take a day off, let alone enjoy a three week European holiday.

As well as this, if you’re a woman in this space, I know you’re someone who is constantly growing, morphing and evolving AND that your biz is likely an extension of who you are. For a woman like you, often, the biz you created at the beginning of your journey, isn’t always the one that feels most aligned a few years down the track.

I’ve been there and know just how sh!tty it feels.

It stops you in your tracks

Interrupts your creativity

Makes you question everything (and I mean, EVERYTHING!)

Prevents you from showing up and connecting with your community.


But this doesn’t mean you need to throw it all in, or start all over again (thank god!)

You might just need to reignite that spark, or take a little pivot.

This was me, not so long ago. Although I LOVE my role as a Copywriter, something about the way I was working and the kinds of clients I was attracting wasn’t hitting my sweet spot. Something felt ‘off’ and my creativity went AWOL because of it.

The other sh!tty side to this coin was that, when I wasn’t creating, I wasn’t happy. Creativity and expression through the written word is in my blood so when that was taken away from me, I didn’t feel like my best self.

So, what did I do?

When the time felt right and when inspo hit, I shook my biz up. While my core offering (copywriting) stayed the same, my ideal clients, packages, website and way of working more generally, changed.

These tweaks lit me up and gave me a new lease on life. I felt excited to be in my biz and proud to share my magic again!

My business now reflects present day Che, not Che of a few years ago when I started out (which was feeling totally misaligned and outdated!)

The best bit about having your own biz is that you have the power to change it and make it feel as sweet as possible. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget this, but you have the power to change.

It takes a bit of soul searching and some deep reflection, but it’s well worth the uncertainty and discomfort. Although it can feel scary to hit ‘reset’ and overhaul everything, realigning will serve your business in the long run. You’ll start to attract the right people to you (how good does that feel?), you’ll feel inspired to show up consistently (because everything feels authentic again), and you’ll have fresh ideas (because you’ve got that spark back)! 

If you’re feeling called to shake things up and need a helping hand, I’d be honoured to support you to get clear on your new biz direction and co-create some freshly aligned copy with you. Get in touch here!

And, if your biz needs a good old website refresh, I recommend Emily from Spirited Seeker and Alana from Alana Jade (Alana designed my sweet digs you find yourself on!)

Che Johnson