Have you ever really stopped to consider whether or not the words you’re sharing in your biz are actually working? When I say working, I mean …

Are they building connection?

Are they getting people signed up?

Are they converting readers into paying and loyal clients?!

Do you know what language connects and converts?

If the answer is no, you’re not the only one. But the choice of words you use matters.

One teeny-tiny word can make or break your message. 

Let me give you an example …

I was chatting with a biz friend recently about why an incredible new grant she launched was attracting almost no applications. She was down-hearted to say the least. This was a free grant for a small business in need, worth over $7000 - yet no one was applying.

What the?!

One look at her promo material and we found the Copy Culprit! The words she’d written made it sound like she was offering a new paid service, not a free (and freakin’ incredible and biz changing) grant.

With the quick switch of a couple of words she had an inbox overflowing with dream applications. Easy, peasy.

So how can you make sure your copy isn’t letting your business down? 

A telltale sign that your copy isn’t working is when you attract a healthy amount of traffic (check Google Analytics to see if people are landing on your website), but then hear crickets.

No one is jumping in your inbox and shouting a bug ‘HECK YES’ to working with you.

No one is buying (or sales are painfully sloooow).

No one is happily sitting on your waitlist because YOU are the gal they want to co-create with.

You know you’ve got something epic to offer, but something’s not quite clicking. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a product, a service, or getting people to apply for a grant. If traffic is coming your way but not translating into sales, you likely have a copy problem ma lady.

Here are three simple questions you can ask yourself to transform your copy and have people lining up, frothing at the mouth and excited to buy.

One - Is it clear who this is for?

Your customer always needs to be front and centre in your copy.

A great technique we Copywriters love to use, is starting sentences with ‘you’. This quickly puts your reader first, offers a quick opportunity to connect and lets them know whether or not they’re in the right place.

It also means they’ll care more about what you’re saying because they are part of the story.

You can also use bullet points to state ‘This is for you if…’ or ‘Are you a woman who …’ and list out the characteristics of your dreamiest of dreamy clients.

Two - Is it clear what value I offer? 

As business owners we’re so close to our offering that we list out every little detail, many of which are unnecessary!

What you need to do first is get to the point, and quickly. Your clients don't need to know every little detail yet, what they do need to know is how you can help them. 

They want to see straight-up, what’s in it for them (because why the heck would they hand over their hard earned cash if they’re not going to get anything out of it?!)

What transformation are you helping them achieve?

How are you helping them get from point A to point B?

What pain points are you alleviating in their life?

Once you’ve communicated that clearly, you can then move onto sharing the nice to have, but less important details. 

Less can definitely be more when it comes to converting peeps to invest in your goodness!

Three - Am I meeting my dream client where they’re at?

Is the language you’re using the right fit for your dream clients?

Are you addressing the objections they may feel when they read your copy?

You could have an amazing offer and a beautifully designed website, but if you don’t have a deep understanding of your audience and what’s going on in their head, your copy won’t connect.

The biggest design and marketing budget in the world won’t work if your copy isn’t on point. If your product or service isn’t selling, and you know that your offer is great, go back to your copy.  

Is it clear who it’s for? 

Does it say how it will add value?

Does it connect with your audience and their current situation? 

Do these three things and you’ll be on your way to crafting compelling copy that will have people b-e-g-g-i-n-g to work with you!

If you need a fresh set of eyes to help take your copy to the next level, please get in touch. It would be my freakin’ honour to get your copy seen and converting, and have more dollar-bills showing up in your bank account!

Che Johnson