Coaches and Mentors - hustle free babes to help you grow your business with ease and joy (part 2)

You can read part one of this instalment where I share my favourite heart led Website and Graphic designers here.

My favourite way to do business these days is thoughtfully, gently and enjoyably.

Gone are the days where I push myself beyond my limits, implement strategies that don’t resonate and do things that cause contraction. 

Naturally with this shift, the people I seek out support from online has shifted dramatically. Gone are the babes teaching ’10 Steps to Building a Million Dollar Business in a Year’, and in are the ones who are sharing ‘How to Create a Profitable and Sustainable Business that Sets Your Heart Alight’. 

Interestingly, my business has gone from strength to strength since I began to run my biz more gently, and in a way that compliments my values, personality and energy. Where in the past I had to juggle paid employment that sucked the life out of me with the building of my business, I now work 100% in my biz and only have to work part time to earn an amount of money that feels ample and abundant.

My journey has taught me that we don’t have to believe the BS message that the collective feeds us - that we have to push, be ruthless and be dominated by our masculine energy, in order to succeed. Yes, we have to work passionately, show up consistently and be intentional, but this path can be paved with ease, fulfilment, alignment … and lots of days off!

There’s no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be where I am today were it not for the women who too are leading the way and shining their light in this arena and today I want to share with you the babes I turn to for guidance and support. In business (and in life), it can be challenging to go against the grain and do things differently.

The women I turn to for guidance are resolute in their pursuit of building successful businesses that are grounded in joy, the feminine and intentionality, and are deeply passionate about supporting others to do the same!

I hope you find them helpful on your journey forward should you be on the hunt for an aligned biz babe to support you to grow your biz in a way that feels delicious, enhance your abundance and maximise your joy.

In this second instalment of ‘Hustle Free Biz Babes to Help Your Grow Your Business’ I’m sharing my favourite coaches and mentors with you. Some of them are business coaches, but others have alternative focuses - all of them will ultimately help you to grow a sustainable business that is congruent with your values and steeped in alignment.

I also asked some of them to share their top tip for building a business that is free from the hustle, feels joyful to run and is of course, abundant. I hope you find their words of wisdom and support useful as you journey forward in your business.


Rach Macdonald

Rach has been on the coaching block for a l-o-n-g time and is one of the most in-the-know coaches I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

Rach isn’t a preacher - she’s a role model who embodies what she teaches. She walks her talk, which I love.

In the most beautiful of ways, what Rach shares online is organic and deeply intentional and purposeful. She’s less about rigid consistency, and more about inspired sharing. If you want to learn how to build an empire steeped in community and service, then Rach is the coach for you.

If you’re looking for a value add to your social media feed, and are keen to learn from the best of the best, then Rach is one to follow.

Dani Gardner - BUSINESS Coach who helps sensitive and introverted entrepreneurs to market with quiet confidence

Dani Gardner business coach

It warms my heart to know that there are coaches out there who are helping my introverted sisters and I shine online and remind us that we don’t need to be anyone other than who we are in order to succeed.

Dani’s advice and teachings are clear and practical (which I l-u-r-v-e), and her energy feels calm and grounded. Some of my fave blog posts of Dani’s are ‘Alternatives To Facebook Group Marketing’ and ‘Introvert Marketing Ideas To Spark Your Quiet Power’. Yummy huh!

You can find out more about Dani and register to one of her online workshops here. She also has a t-shirt range for introverts - whaaaaaaaat!?

Often the quicker someone subscribes to a list (due to a juicy email opt-in), the quicker they unsubscribe. That’s why I say nurture your audience *before* they join your list. Make your free, ungated content the first thing people encounter so they can get to know you before handing over their email. Then, when they do decide to join your list they’ll be doing it more ‘consciously’. This results in a higher open and click-through rate, which means you can do more with less people on your email list.
— Dani Gardner

The Gentle Business Mastermind - A mastermind to help you grow your business the gentle way

Gentle Business Mastermind coach

If you’re anything like me you thrive when you’re (1) part of a community of like-minded biz babes who hold similar values close to their heart and (2) kept accountable. The Gentle Business Mastermind will offer you both of these thing.

Founded by Amanda Rootsey (#myladycrush), Naomi Arnold and Nicole Newman, the Gentle Business Mastermind is a 12-month experience designed to support kind-hearted entrepreneurs to grow their businesses gently, sustainably and consciously. How delicious does that sound?!

The ladies also have a great podcast called ‘Ditch The Hustle’ that is a real winner with topics like, ‘Gentle Success’ and ‘The Gentle Work Week’. Their freebie download ‘Grow Your Business the Gentle Way: ideas and prompts for doing business gently’ is also pure gold.

Lynda James from Valo Financial - Accountant and Business Analyst for people who want their business to support them without compromising their health, values or lifestyle

Valo Financial.jpg

Read Lynda’s title again …. phwoar. Talk about powerful!

There’s nothing I love more than a woman who talks about typically ‘masculine’ topics in a ‘feminine’ way - and that’s exactly why I’m one of Lynda’s biggest fans. I mean, just listen to these blog post topics

  • Values based pricing: is it right for you and your business

  • How fixing your pricing strategy can help heal (or prevent) burnout, and

  • A minimalist approach to making and managing money in your business.

I love how Lynda infuses strategy and heart into her teachings and shares how financial wellness can benefit, not only our businesses, but all areas of our lives (because really, what hope does our biz have if we’re not well ourselves, right?!)

You can jump on Lynda’s mailing list, where she shares lots of wisdom (and videos!), here.

Being financially well in today’s society is a radical act. Make it a priority to ensure you understand your internal terrain around money, and start building a tool kit of new beliefs, stories, and money mentors to create a healthy environment to compliment all other areas of your life.

Talk about money more and start sharing your own money musings in your safe circles. How does it feel setting prices? Financially negotiating? Asking for payment? There is a lot of collective shame around money, particularly with women, intuitive business owners, creatives and kind hearted and empathetic people.

THE MINDFUL WEALTH MOVEMENT - empowering women to take control of their finances and create abundance 

Mindful Wealth Movement

Another of my favourite financial Wing Women is the lovely Lea Shodel from The Mindful Wealth Movement. A licenced financial planner, Lea infuses THWM with the most beautiful blend of the spiritual and the practical. Lea often uses words like ‘wellness’, ‘intention’ and ‘energy’ when she talks about money, which I absolutely love! Even just exploring her website makes you feel calm and connected to something bigger than you.

Lea offers a free challenge, 1:1 coaching and a number of online courses to help you challenge your money mindset and be more abundant. Also on offer are inspirational abundance ebooks and affirmation cards!

You can find out more about Lea’s work and how she can help you revolutionise your finances (YAY!) here.

One of the best investments we can ever make in ourselves and our businesses is to explore our relationship with money. As uncomfortable as that may sound, when we pay attention to how we interact with our finances, we gain the power of awareness to uncover the blocks and limitations that may be holding us back.

Money is as much an emotional thing as it is a logic thing. In fact, our emotions trigger many of our habits and can play a very big saboteur when it comes to attracting, keeping, growing and giving money. When we can explore the patterns, habits and beliefs we have about money with curiosity, and suspend judgement, we can start to shape a more empowered relationship with it.
— Lea Schodel

Stella from Stellar Yoga - Menstrual Cycle Awareness and Embodied Mindfulness Practices Teacher

Stellar Yoga
Stella Yoga 2

Menstrual cycle awareness - now that’s the the kind of wisdom that should be taught at business school!

If you aren’t yet familiar with how menstrual cycle awareness can help you run your business in a way that compliments the different energies, emotions and superpowers we ladies experience at different times of the month, then you’ve been living under a rock my friend (welcome to the light!)

Stella is one of my favourite menstruation teachers and she has played a pivotal role in my personal and business growth. As someone who believes that women need to put themselves first, so that they can show up in their businesses as the most well selves, Stella provides a roadmap to get you there.

Stella teaches women about all things menstruation and aligned living in a way that feels deeply accessible, nourishing and delicious. You can follow Stella’s magic, watch her free ‘Yoga for your Menstrual Phase’ class and download her complete yogic breathe practice here.

Use Menstrual Cycle awareness as your guide in your business and watch how what you put into the world (and receive!) transforms. You’ll know when to set intentions, get creative, take risks, focus and listen to your intuition. You’ll even embrace periods of rest and radical self-care, knowing that ultimately it will lead to a more sustainable, joyful and successful business.


Amy Mackenzie Designing Her Life

There’s something about Amy that makes me feel calm, relaxed and fully able to be my true self. I love that Amy is a successful business woman who doesn’t try to fit moulds or follow formulas - she just does her, and along the way invites other women to do exactly the same.

To me, Amy feels so darn genuine and I can always feel her passion infused into what she shares. She’s my favourite kind of business coach - one who has the smarts to actually help you build a profitable and sustainable business, but guides you to do it in a way that is in full alignment with your heart and soul.

As a little FYI - I know someone who coaches with Amy, and has for a very long time, and she RAVES about how much she’s helped her grow her biz!

I truly believe that there is a sweet spot to be found within all of us, that honours our natural rhythms, cycles and seasons and also our desire to evolve, expand and take our abilities to new levels and heights.

Which is why one of my most powerful pieces of advice is to hold space for and honour ALL parts of you in your business building process. Make time for play and rest AND map out busier periods for launches and uplevelling. Be ruthless in your commitment to self care AND your strategies. Drop into the journey AND continue to hold your higher vision. Look for ways to build a sacred and sustainable business that aligns with your values AND makes money and supports your needs.

By honouring the full spectrum of who we are, what we need and what we desire, we create so much more capacity to hold and harness it in a way that is true and right for us. Meaning you don’t have to choose between these parts of you. It’s not one or the other. Allowing it to be both/and. Then prepare for a business revolution because nothing will ever be the same again.

Christine Corcoran - Business Mindset Coach for Heart Centred Business Women

Christine Corcoran

I was recently introduced to Christine’s work as part of my membership in The Founders Team and she impressed the pants off me right away! Christine actually knows what she’s talking about and she does it with a beautiful blend of gentle warmth and confidence.

Never before in all my years in biz had a coach taken me through a values activity and taught me how to create offerings, systems and structures that were aligned with those values - until Christine came along. As someone who is all for strategy that is infused with soul, she left me very very impressed.

Christine is a coach who gets to the crux of what’s holding you back so that you can move forward, live your life to its fullest and reach your businesses maximum potential. If you’re in Brisbane area you’ll be happy to know that Christine runs regular events, and her podcast is one of my new biz faves.

You can find out more about Christine here.

Che Johnson